(It's still January, so I can still say that.)
It's a bit strange to be in this position. After so many years, and building an amazing catalog of art, story and content with the Amiculus series, to be back again at square one with a new project. No finished art, just concepts and a wildly different story to tell. It is distantly related to Amiculus, in that its roots are in history, but it is a history a world away and centuries apart from ancient Rome, and it directly touches the present in the storytelling. It is a story that envisions the toll that history, particularly violent, bloody history, can take on the present. In this case, the toll is a literal one. Sugar Creek is a horror story, a ghost story, set in an unlikely place: the rural landscape of western Ohio.
"Waitaminute...Ohio? That bland, boring, flat place between a lake and a river? Sometimes notable during presidential elections but rarely otherwise? 'Gateway to Indiana' Ohio?"
I know what you're thinking and, nope, that's not the place I'm talking about. The Ohio I'm referring to has a deep and fascinating history, stretching back at least 3,000 years to the mound-building Adena tribe, responsible for such amazing earthworks as the Great Serpent Mound.

The ultimate defeat of the Western Confederacy and the Treaty of Greenville in 1795 ended this conflict, but Ohio's battleground status continued into the War of 1812, where British, natives and Americans clashed one last time across its forests, fields and lakes. Peace fell, and the land at last grew quiet.

Can it become hungry for it?
This is the subject that Sugar Creek examines. This fictional village in western Ohio sits atop such a place, whose hidden history of violence and death goes far deeper than the two centuries mentioned above. On a normal day in 2015, as the town prepares for its bicentennial, a pair of local policemen respond to a frantic call for help, little realizing they are driving into the very epicenter of this darkness, just as the barriers holding it in are on the verge of giving way completely...