Yeah, like hell it will.
So the campaign didn't go as planned. Ultimately, that means...very little. What it does mean is that production of this series will still go ahead as planned, just on a slightly longer timetable than before. I have looked at my facts and my figures, gauged the resources I have at my disposal, and decided that the next step in production is this: Amiculus, Volume Zero: Ex Libris Amiculi.
Volume Zero will be a preview book to the series that will contain the first two chapters of the epic as a 20-page story. It'll be a solid gateway issue, and with luck will be finished on the same timeline as the full first volume would have been, premiering in Winter 2014. I will regularly be posting updates, including views of brand-new pencil, ink and color art to keep your appetites whetted. This preview will be made available for purchase and limited viewing, and will also be the promotional fuel I use for the next crowd-funding campaign I do in 2014.
Not convinced yet? Here is the script for the Prologue and Chapter One of Amiculus: A Secret History, the bones of Volume Zero. Check it out, then feel free to e-mail me or enter any thoughts, impressions or questions you have on my Contact Page. If you enjoyed this appetizer, I look forward to serving the main course.
Also, I recommend checking out another KS project Giancarlo Caracuzzo is working on with writer Peter Rogers, Forgotten Planet. It looks pretty cool!