As some of you have seen, I made the difficult decision to cancel the Sugar Creek Kickstarter on October 10, three days before the end. At 36% funding, the headwinds were simply too strong to overcome. This does not, however, kill the project! I plan to finish this horror comic on a slightly smaller scale and a slightly longer timetable than the Kickstarter imagined. Expect to see this book at conventions and for sale online in the spring or summer of 2019!
Background: The Oracle

Curiously, many elements of the old cult survived Apollo's takeover:
- The Delphic oracle continued to be female. This was unusual, as oracles in the ancient world tended to be uniformly male, particularly those dedicated to Apollo.
- The oracle's name, Pythia, honored the fallen guardian of Gaea, rather than the god who vanquished it.
- The Pythia continued to receive her visions from vapors emanating from a cleft in the earth. This would appear to reaffirm her original connection to Gaea, rather than to Apollo.

- The prophecy of Croesus, where the Pythia predicted that attacking the Persians would "destroy a great empire." Croesus attacked, and succeeded in destroying his own.
- The prediction of the Greek victory over the Persians in the Battle of Salamis;
- The proclamation that no living human was wiser than Socrates;
- The castigation of the Roman emperor Nero for murdering his mother, which resulted in him burning the Pythia alive.
At the height of her power, the Pythia held the entire classical world in her sway. Yet following an earthquake in the year 372 BC, the sacred vapors began to dissipate, and the oracle's reputation faded. By AD 362, the cult was under assault by the emerging Christian religion, and was barely hanging on.
Background: The Emperor

Julian was a nephew of Constantine, and an obscure, unassuming figure in his cousins' war for the throne. He was also a convert to Neoplatonism, a philosophy that celebrated the Olympian gods. Constantine II died in battle against Constans, and Constans fell to a usurper emperor, Magnentius. Constantine's remaining son Constantius II defeated Magnentius and appointed Julian as Caesar of the western empire. Julian was a scholar, and had had no real experience in military matters, so Constantius likely saw him as a reliable lieutenant who would be no threat to his rule.
But Julian was crafty, ambitious, and a very quick learner.

This is exactly what happened in Luletia (Paris) in AD 360. Constantius demanded that half of Julian's troops be relinquished to him for an Eastern campaign. Julian's legions instead declared him Augustus. Constantius prepared for war, but his untimely death in November 361 left Julian as the last remaining heir of Constantine.
The Last Prophecy
Julian purged the palace of Christians, restored the ancient pagan temples and declared a return of the state religion to worship of the old Greco-Roman gods. The empire appeared poised to enter a glorious new Olympian age...if not for one small problem: the unfinished business of his predecessor. | Prior to Julian's rebellion, Constantius was on the verge of launching a campaign to repulse the Persians in the East. The powerful Persian king Shapur II had overrun Roman territory and had been repulsed with difficulty. Julian needed to shore up support among Rome's eastern legions and cement his rule with a victory. To do this, he planned a massive invasion of the Persian Empire in AD 363. |
An Immortal Cold War Approaching Endgame
This story imagines a Delphic cult on extremely hard times, desperate to curry Julian's favor and survive. The esteem of the oracle has fallen so far that she is little more than a prop manipulated by Apollo's priests. In fact, it is revealed that the current Pythia, a girl named Melanippe, is a prisoner of the priests, kept docile through a use of drugs and intimidation. The vapors that inspired the Pythia's visions are long gone...until they suddenly and dramatically return in force the day of Julian's prophecy. The vapors drive Apollo's priests from the Pythia's inner sanctum. Melanippe is trapped inside, and the vapors pull her into another world inside her mind. There, five of her ancient predecessors wait to tell her the truth behind the ancient cult: that Gaea and Apollo have been at war for centuries, and that the time has finally come to kill the Olympian god once and for all. |
As you can tell, I am very excited to begin work. Look for more updates as we move toward the inevitable crowdfunding campaign sometime in 2019!