I hope you are as excited as I am for the campaign for the next new Amiculus Books project Sugar Creek. There's something exhilarating breaking ground on a new idea after working for so long on the first one, especially one so far removed in time and subject as this book will be from the Amiculus trilogy. In a way, this sophomore endeavor may be more important in determining the path forward for Amiculus Books than its inaugural project, so I'd better not screw it up, right?
This Kickstarter, launching September 5, will have a lot of familiar elements to Amiculus backers, with some new ones that will be more in-line with a horror concept. Additionally, this crowdfunder will hopefully pave the way for a later short film project, which (fun fact) is how this idea first generated. It seems to be a theme with a lot of my comic-book ideas: they all start out as something else first.
Below are some of the concepts for backer packages I am planning for the Sugar Creek Kickstarter:

One last thing for you Amiculus-philes: a really spot-on painting by Sugar Creek artist Brent Bowman of the mad Roman Emperor Caligula, based on an original bust which I have included for comparison. I think he really captured the unhinged gleam in his eyes.